Thursday, September 30, 2010

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What do dieting and Genesis 2:24 have in common? Give up? The verse states, "Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." In today's modern world people become over-weight and diet. The flesh is fat, not just the wife or the husband but both for the two have become one.

Another verse emphasizes the connection: Ephesians 5:28 "So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:"

"Losing weight and keeping it off is a dream for many people. Some women have been "queen size" all their lives and some men have been "chubby" since first grade. They have tried diet after diet in this "thin world" without success and have reached the state of hopelessness. For those who are married there is still hope if they can get the support from their mate to succeed. Successful weight loss is more than "will power", it takes individual effort and support from those who love you A husband or a wife must be as committed to weight loss as the spouse attempting to lose.

My wife of twenty-five years has tried every diet program from grapefruits to bodywraps. All have failed until we had a long talk about past diet plans and why they failed. I've always been slim, athletic and weight conscious so dieting has never been a concern. She, on the other hand, only had to look at food to gain weight. We discovered that in order for her to succeed, it would have to be a joint effort. Her successful weight loss of sixty-five pounds over a period of nine months came because we worked together. Some of the things we learned as we went are listed below. If you want to be successful, it will take the efforts of two.

1. When the dieting person decides it is time really do it, suggest looking at diet plans you both may be able to live with. Being supportive usually means having to eat some of the same things as the person on the diet. If the diet contains too many of the things your mate would rather not see on his/her plate, you can't count on much help. A diet plan you both can live with is the plan you both must choose.

2. Be mindful of straying eyes. Dieting women are very conscious of eyes, especially when they are dressing or undressing. A glance can be mistaken for disapproval. There have been many times when I have heard, "What? You are looking at my hips, thighs ..." It wasn't that at all, we were just in the same room and she was in my line of sight. Things can be touchy with a dieter.

Husbands are just as sensitive. One husband and wife came to blows because she suggested he buy pants that covered his "crack". He bought size 38 pants which he wore below his belly and consequently when he would bend over, the pants were not positioned to cover the rear.

3. Snacking is best done when you are alone. Rice cakes may crunch but will not satisfy the dieter if you are eating potato chips and washing them down with beer or a soft drink. The rice cake and glass of water just will not satisfy. Plan ahead if you and your dieter plan to watch TV together and snack. Have your favorite snack while you are apart and have a munchy that will not be so tempting while you are together. You may try ice cream while your dieter has a diet yogurt, or a diet ice cream.

4. Go out to restaurants often together. Dieters do not want to surrender their lives to diets. Many diet plans provide food guides that include restaurant fare. Choose those restaurants that are included and then choose a meal that will not be tempting to your dieter. Skip the dessert till you get home. A movie after the meal will stem the urge for dessert and make the evening complete.

5. Don't be annoyed by questions. "Do I look like I have lost in my arms, legs, ...?" are questions that will be asked over and over again. It takes weeks of diet and exercise to see significant loss and the loss is so slow you may not be able to notice. "Yes, dear you are getting there!" is a simple enough answer and it is truthful. The slightest praise from you will be the best incentive to stick with the diet. Answer questions truthfully, cooperate with the dieter. Don't be surprised if you are constantly quizzed about the bathroom scales needing adjustment. We have a weight bench in our home and I occasionally carry fifty pounds and stack on the scale just to prove the accuracy.

6. Dieting requires a person feel good about their appearance if they are to be successful. When weight loss is more than 5 pounds, clothing sizes begin to change. A successful diet will mean new clothes often. It is important to your dieter to look good and not feel they are wearing clothes that do not fit. Before launching the diet, make allowances in your budget for new clothes. If the dieter will be dropping several sizes, plan to shop every few weeks for "disposable" clothing. Buying inexpensive items that fit but will not be permanent. Discount clothing will look good for a few weeks, consignment shops offer good prices and relatives will often loan for a few weeks just to be supportive. Bottom line is you want your dieter to feel good about their appearance and feel they are making progress.

7. Weight loss requires exercise. If you are not a person who likes exercise, you will be doomed to losing weight slowly and then regaining all you have lost. The key to keeping it off is exercise. Your spouse can help by helping you to select the right way to exercise and a willingness to exercise with you. Some women are not comfortable going to a an exercise club because of their looks or their lack of physical ability. This is something that needs to be discussed. If the choice is to have a home exercise program, some equipment is necessary. The spouse may have to be brave enough to go to an exercise center to see what is there and try out a few types of equipment. Yard sales, consignment shops and some sports stores offer great prices on used equipment. Shop together and buy what the two of you will use. A home gym such as a weights and pulley system is by far the best because it allows the user many exercises for toning the whole body and it can be used by both men and women.

8. Encouragement is the most important element of a diet program for your mate. As often as you can, tell your mate how good he/she looks. Take time and do things together such as shopping, movies even sports. You don't have to spend a lot of money but you must spend time together strengthening your relationship. Encouragement is not just words it is in being together.

Diets are never enough for successful weight loss. Proper nutrition and exercise are by far and away the keys to losing and keeping weight off. As in quitting smoking, stop drinking or kicking drugs, a support system is necessary to lose weight. Do it together and both will reap the rewards.

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Yankees What Happened To Our Don?

If Joe Girardi decides he had enough of the Yankees experience and goes to the Cubs, the Yankees can forget about Don Mattingly managing them.

The Dodgers hired Mattingly as their new manager after Joe Torre announced he won't return as the Dodger manager next year.

This is too bad. The Yankees need a manager who appreciates the game. They need a manager who won't overmanage. They need a manager who will not have an ego on gamedays.

Mattingly would fit the bill. Please do not talk about his lack of experience. Any manager can manage a team with the payroll the Yankees have.

If a manager has plenty of talent to work with he can get by. We saw that with Girardi last year.

The Yankees manager made dubious decisions when it came to pitching in October. Fortunately for him, his hitters bailed him out.

It also helped that CC Sabathia, AJ Burnett, and Andy Pettitte managed to win games in October.

If Girardi was not blessed with talent he would just be another manager and nothing more.

Want to know how players look good? Look back to Boston's manager Terry Francona. Philadelphia sports fans perceived him as a dumb manager when he lost in Philly. Yet he is now viewed as a great manager because he won two championships in Boston.


Does a manager make that much of a difference? All a manager can do is have his team sharp when the game begins.

Other than that, it comes down to what the players do within the white lines.

There is a good reason the Yankees are not in a rush to sign Girardi to an extension. They know he is replaceable. If anything, he should be begging to stay on rather than using the Cubs as leverage.

That would be a bad strategy on Girardi's part, especially if the Yankees miss out on the playoffs for the second time in three years under his stewardship. Don't laugh at that prospect.

The Yankees are nicked up with injuries. Nick Swisher and Brett Gardner can't seem to move, Mark Teixiera's foot limits his ability to hit, and Alex Rodriguez has not been productive thanks to a hip issue.

Their hitters don't scare elite pitchers. The Yankees strike out often these days at a high ratio.

Outside of CC Sabathia, no one in the rotation scares anyone. The Yankees are banking on Andy Pettitte, but what if he can't be good enough after being activated from the disabled list?

The schedule does the team no favors. The Orioles, Rays, Blue Jays, and the Red Sox know what it takes to beat the Yankees this year.

With the Red Sox six games out in the division and six 1/2 games out for the wild card, they can make a run of their own. At this point, there's more trust on the Red Sox than the Yankees to make the playoffs.


What's alarming is Girardi is not responding to the situation well. He has been moody with reporters. He talked about how the pennant race is work. He has had a quick hook with the pitchers if they screw up.

Is this want the Yankees want to see from their leader?

This type of attitude rubs off on the players. Girardi was able to relax last year because his players were never hurt and they played great all year.

When there is first sign of trouble, the Yankees manager is tense.

It is not going to get any better next year. The Rays will take a step back with defections, but the Orioles, Blue Jays, and the Red Sox are not going anywhere. Expect those three teams to improve.

How will Girardi handle it? Do the Yankees trust him to lead? This year's experience will speak volumes about him.

We also question Girardi's bullpen use. It's nice he wants to rest his relievers, but this is September. Every game is important. If the Yankees lose these games, the Red Sox will gain more games.

The Yankees should be trying to win these games. The more they win, they can exterminate the Rays. Then, they can go rest their players.

That's how a team should do it. For Girardi to think the wild-card spot is a safety net, that's wrong. Nothing is guaranteed.

If this strategy costs his team the postseason, the Yankees should fire him outright.

Does anyone think Mattingly would do this? Don't think so. Rest assured, he would play to win the game and worry about the other stuff when he has to.

Plus, he would embrace the games in September instead of pouting like a spoiled brat.

Mattingly would have been a better choice to manage the Yankees when the team decided to end their relationship with Torre. He would have been a great choice to take over for Girardi.

It is the Yankees' loss.

They are stuck with Girardi or whoever for better or for worse.

Jim McIsaac/Getty Images

The Dodgers need pitching, hitting, a great closer, a first baseman who can hit for power and the same at third, and probably a new center fielder and what do they end up with? 

A new manager who has never managed before.

I love Don Mattingly as a player. With that steady career batting average of .307, nine gold gloves, an MVP Award and some batting titles - but can he transpose his personal winning attitude and baseball acumen to his team?

It is kind of scary if you are a Dodger fan.  Just this week he said he had no idea why the Dodgers were hitting so poorly. This from the Dodgers hitting coach.

In his one stint as manager a month or so ago when Torre was tossed from the game, he made a really stupid mistake when he went to the mound twice in the same trip.  Donnie Baseball either forgot or didn't know the rule.  Either way, I am glad he's gotten that one out of the way.

Listen, Mattingly may have learned a lot while working at the feet of one of the great managers of our time but it appears like a shot in the dark.  I know Joe Torre and you are no Joe Torre.

The Dodgers are a mess as everyone knows what with the owners' divorce proceedings which led to a slashed budget which led to no buying power in the off-season which led to a weakened squad that included a 5th starter with zero big league experience which led to no true back-ups for the weary and the wounded which led to an almost last place finish. 

They need a miracle worker not a newbie manager who will be learning on the job.

I wish him well and hope he can pull this one out as easily as he could snare an errant throw in the dirt.

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